Cut Rag Tobacco

Cut rag tobacco leaves ready for processing

As Thomas Reed, a seasoned tobacco expert, I manage a blog on the Kohl Mansion platform, where I delve into the intricate world of tobacco. With over two decades of experience, including contributions to British American Tobacco and Philip Morris International, I focus on sustainable farming practices and innovative techniques in tobacco processing. The cut rag tobacco sector, essential to the industry, is witnessing significant technological advancements and sustainability efforts. For example, the global cut rag tobacco market is projected to grow, with a 2023 forecast estimating the market size to reach $1.3 billion, driven by increasing demand for premium blends and advancements in production technology​.

Introduction to Cut Rag Tobacco

Cut rag tobacco plays a pivotal role in the tobacco market, serving as the primary ingredient for many smoking products. Its versatility and adaptability to different blends make it a staple in the industry.

History and Evolution of Cut Rag Tobacco

The journey of cut rag tobacco began centuries ago, with its production evolving alongside technological advancements. Today, it represents a sophisticated process that balances tradition with innovation.

Types of Cut Rag Tobacco

There are several types of cut rag tobacco, each with unique characteristics:

  • Flue-Cured Virginia: Known for its sweetness and high sugar content.
  • Burley: Offers a robust and full-bodied flavor.
  • Oriental: Adds a distinctive aroma and mildness to blends.

Comparison with Other Tobacco Cuts

Cut rag tobacco is distinct from other cuts like shag, ribbon, flake, and plug. Each cut impacts the smoking experience differently, influencing factors such as burn rate and flavor.

The Production Process of Cut Rag Tobacco

The meticulous production process of cut rag tobacco involves several steps, from the careful selection of leaves to the precise cutting and drying methods, ensuring the highest quality product.

Quality Control in Cut Rag Tobacco Production

Quality control is paramount in the production of cut rag tobacco. A fully equipped quality laboratory ensures that each batch meets the stringent standards required for customer satisfaction.

Blending Techniques for Cut Rag Tobacco

Blending is an art form in the world of cut rag tobacco. Expert blenders create both in-house and custom blends that cater to diverse market preferences and provide unique taste profiles.

Cut Rag Tobacco in Cigarette Manufacturing

Cut rag tobacco is essential in both hand-rolled and machine-rolled cigarettes. Its quality significantly affects the end product’s flavor and burn rate, making it a crucial component for manufacturers.

Cut Rag Tobacco in Roll-Your-Own (RYO) Products

The RYO market has seen a surge in popularity, with cut rag tobacco offering smokers the ability to customize their smoking experience through various blends and cuts.

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations

Sustainable and ethical practices are increasingly important in the production of cut rag tobacco. From the cultivation of tobacco to its processing, responsible methods are being adopted.

Innovations in Cut Rag Tobacco Processing

The industry continues to innovate, with modern equipment and techniques enhancing the efficiency and quality of cut rag tobacco production.

Enhancing the Tobacco Blending Process at RTF (Russia)

RTF (Russia) employs an advanced tobacco blending process that incorporates sophisticated equipment and precise adjustments to ensure product consistency and quality. A crucial step involves the adjustment of the blend's composition, based on comprehensive physical and chemical analyses. For example, variations in agricultural conditions can affect the properties of the same tobacco variety, necessitating precise adjustments to maintain uniform taste and quality​. The production process is optimized by focusing on the volumetric filling capacity of tobacco, which determines how much finished product can be derived from a unit of raw tobacco, ultimately aiding in accurate financial forecasting and minimizing raw material consumption.

The production stages at RTF include initial control, moistening, saucing, aging, cutting, drying, cooling, aromatization, air separation, and packaging. For instance, the saucing stage, which involves the application of additives, significantly enhances the flavor and aroma of the tobacco, making it more appealing. The drying process is particularly critical, reducing the moisture content from 20% to approximately 13.5%, a step that not only preserves the tobacco's properties but also improves its economic efficiency by reducing waste and enhancing the filling capacity by 1.2-1.5%.

Quality control at RTF Russia is rigorous, encompassing the selection of high-quality leaves, constant moisture content monitoring, and maintaining consistency in cut size and dryness. The use of advanced equipment, such as Cerulean's physical measurement instrumentation, ensures that each batch meets stringent standards. For instance, the precision of cutting machines that produce tobacco fibers ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 mm in width plays a pivotal role in the final product's quality. A recent upgrade at a facility near Moscow resulted in a 15% increase in production efficiency, showcasing the impact of continuous technological advancements (more about it here: Cut Rag Tobacco)​.

The Global Market for Cut Rag Tobacco

Cut rag tobacco has a significant presence in the global market, with various regions exhibiting different demands and contributing to the dynamic nature of its trade.

Regulatory Aspects of Cut Rag Tobacco

Regulations and health warnings play a crucial role in the production and sale of cut rag tobacco, influencing industry practices and consumer behavior.

Future Trends in Cut Rag Tobacco

The cut rag tobacco market is subject to changing consumer trends, with a growing interest in organic and specialty products shaping its future.

Cut rag tobacco production process

Cut rag tobacco is the processed form of tobacco leaves that have been cut into fine strips, primarily for use in cigarettes. The production process of cut rag tobacco involves several steps, which can vary slightly depending on the specific methods and equipment used by different manufacturers. Generally, the process includes the following stages:

  1. Harvesting and Fermenting: Tobacco leaves are harvested and then fermented to develop the desired flavors and reduce harshness .
  2. Threshing: After fermentation, the leaves are threshed to separate the lamina (leaf material) from the stem .
  3. Moistening: The threshed tobacco material is moistened to make it pliable and to prepare it for cutting .
  4. Cutting: The moistened tobacco is then cut into fine strips, known as cut rag. The width of these strips can be adjusted according to the requirements for different tobacco products .
  5. Drying: The cut tobacco is dried to achieve the desired moisture content, which is crucial for the quality of the final product .
  6. Cooling: After drying, the tobacco must be cooled down to stabilize it and prepare it for further processing .
  7. Aromatization: Flavoring agents may be added to the cut rag tobacco to create specific taste profiles .
  8. Packaging: Finally, the processed cut rag tobacco is packaged for distribution and sale .

The equipment used in this process can include tobacco cutting machines, drying drums, and conveyors for moving the tobacco through each stage of the process. The production lines can be designed to handle different capacities, with some capable of producing up to 1 ton of cut rag tobacco per hour .

The quality of the final product is influenced by the tobacco’s origin, the blend of different tobacco types, and the precision of the cutting and drying processes. Modern cut rag processing plants may have separate production lines for lamina and stem processing, which are then integrated to match blend specifications . Quality control is an essential part of the process, with moisture content and other parameters being carefully monitored .

Best cut rag tobacco for cigarettes

The best cut rag tobacco for cigarettes can vary depending on personal preferences for flavor, blend, and quality. However, several companies are recognized for their superior cut rag tobacco products:

  1. U.S. Tobacco Cooperative: They provide superior quality cut rag processed to customer specifications. Their Master Blender selects only the appropriate quality tobaccos to ensure they meet their valued customers’ needs. They offer a portfolio of blends including American Blend (Flue-Cured Virginia / Burley / Oriental) and English/Virginia Blends (100% U.S. Flue-Cured / Virginia) .
  2. B2B Tobacco Supplier: They supply cut rag tobacco of exceptional quality using the most efficient processing and blending techniques .
  3. They offer flavored mixtures that account for the lion’s share of cigarette cut rag tobacco sold in the EU. Many smokers give preference to their American Blend .
  4. Kohltrade: They develop blends according to the customers’ requirements and also offer standard TOP-SALES BLENDS for evaluation. They have a variety of blends including American Blend and Virginia Blend originating from Brazil .
  5. Alliance One Specialty Products, LLC (AOSP): They offer a wide range of products and services, including a full complement of blends for cigarettes. With a vast worldwide inventory of tobaccos and flavors, AOSP has the staff, experience, and resources to create unique blends in-house .
  6. Tobacco House: They offer a premium selection of cut tobacco blends – American, Virginia, and Oriental. They follow very strict quality control standards in the receiving of raw materials, industrialization, storage, and logistics .
  7. Bommidala Group: They started the cut tobacco business in 1998 and offer a premium selection of cut tobacco blends – American, Virginia, and Oriental. They take pride in delivering the highest standard of cut tobacco of various blends, maintaining the consistency of blends, offering high filling value, and premium cutting quality .

Cut rag tobacco blending techniques

Blending cut rag tobacco is a delicate process that requires a balance of science, technology, and creativity. Master blenders use their expertise to create unique flavor profiles and aromas by combining different types of tobacco . Here are some of the key techniques involved in blending cut rag tobacco:

  1. Selection of Tobacco: The first step in blending is the selection of different types of tobacco. The choice of tobacco depends on the desired flavor profile, aroma, and quality of the final product. Different types of tobacco, such as Virginia, Burley, and Oriental, each bring unique characteristics to the blend .
  2. Moistening: The selected tobacco is moistened to make it pliable and easier to handle. This also prepares the tobacco for the cutting process .
  3. Cutting: The moistened tobacco is cut into fine strips, known as cut rag. The size of these strips can be adjusted according to the requirements of the blend .
  4. Blending: The cut rag tobacco is then blended together. This process involves combining different types of cut rag tobacco in specific proportions to create the desired flavor profile and aroma. The blending process can be adjusted to create a wide range of unique blends .
  5. Flavoring: In some cases, flavoring agents may be added to the blend to enhance the taste and aroma. This is known as aromatization .
  6. Quality Control: The final step in the blending process is quality control. This involves testing the blend to ensure it meets the desired specifications and quality standards .

Flavor profiles of cut rag tobacco

The flavor profiles of cut rag tobacco can vary significantly depending on the type of tobacco used, the blend, and any added flavorings. Here are some general flavor profiles associated with different types of cut rag tobacco:

  1. Virginia Cut Rag Tobacco: Virginia tobacco, also known as flue-cured tobacco, is known for its sweet and mild flavor. It is often used as the base in many tobacco blends due to its high sugar content and bright, sweet flavors .
  2. Burley Cut Rag Tobacco: Burley tobacco has a robust and full-bodied flavor. It is air-cured, which gives it a stronger, more robust flavor than Virginia tobacco. Burley tobacco is often used in blends to add depth and complexity .
  3. Oriental Cut Rag Tobacco: Oriental tobacco, also known as Turkish tobacco, has a unique, exotic flavor. It is sun-cured, which gives it a sweet, fragrant, and somewhat spicy flavor. Oriental tobacco is often used in blends to add a touch of exotic flavor .
  4. American Blend: An American blend typically includes a mix of Virginia, Burley, and Oriental tobaccos. This blend is known for its balanced, medium-bodied flavor that combines the sweetness of Virginia tobacco, the robustness of Burley tobacco, and the exotic flavor of Oriental tobacco .
  5. English/Virginia Blends: These blends primarily consist of Virginia tobacco, often with the addition of other types of tobacco for complexity. English/Virginia blends are known for their bright, sweet, and slightly fruity flavor profile .
  6. Flavored Blends: Some cut rag tobacco blends may include added flavorings to create specific taste profiles. These can range from traditional flavors like menthol and vanilla to more exotic flavors like cherry, apple, or chocolate .

Quality standards for cut rag tobacco

Quality standards for cut rag tobacco are crucial for ensuring the consistency and safety of the final tobacco products. These standards encompass various aspects of the production process, from the selection of raw materials to the final packaging. Here are some key points regarding quality standards for cut rag tobacco:

  1. Selection of Tobacco: High-quality cut rag tobacco begins with the selection of the best tobacco leaves. The leaves must meet specific criteria for flavor, aroma, and physical properties .
  2. Processing: The method of processing green tobacco leaves into cut rag tobacco is designed to produce a product with improved filling capacity and runnability for cigarette makers. The process aims to achieve uniform rod firmness with low incidence of loose ends and lower cigarette rejection rates .
  3. Moisture Content: The moisture content of cut rag tobacco is a critical quality parameter. It must be controlled to ensure the tobacco is neither too dry, which can lead to a harsh smoke, nor too moist, which can cause mold growth and spoilage .
  4. Cut Width: The width of the cut rag tobacco strips is standardized to ensure consistency in the product. This can affect the burn rate and the draw resistance of the final cigarette .
  5. Additives: The use of additives in cut rag tobacco is regulated. For example, glycerol content is acceptable up to a certain percentage, but the preference is for minimal use of additives to maintain the tobacco’s natural qualities .
  6. Blend Consistency: The blend of tobacco used in cut rag must be consistent from batch to batch. This is achieved by using well-mixed batches of tobacco and, if possible, a single grade of tobacco without additional materials such as stems .
  7. Production Tolerances: The production tolerances for tobacco mass, circumference, and draw resistance must be controlled precisely. This requires increased quality control measures and potentially decreased production machine speed .
  8. Packaging: The packaging of cut rag tobacco must protect the product from environmental factors and ensure that the tobacco remains at the correct moisture level .
  9. Flavor Profile: The flavor profile of the cut rag tobacco must be consistent and meet the specifications required by the blend design. This involves careful selection and blending of different tobacco types .
  10. Quality Control: Throughout the production process, quality control measures are in place to monitor parameters such as moisture content, cut width, and overall blend quality. This ensures that the final product meets the stringent requirements set by manufacturers and regulatory bodies .

Cut rag tobacco storage methods

Cut rag tobacco storage methods are crucial to maintain the quality and prevent spoilage or infestation. Here are some key methods and considerations for storing cut rag tobacco:

  1. Packaging: Cut rag tobacco is typically stored in bales or boxes that are sealed to protect the tobacco from environmental factors. The packaging can be made of poly or other materials that prevent moisture and air from reaching the tobacco .
  2. Moisture Control: The moisture content of the tobacco is a critical factor in storage. The tobacco should be neither too dry, which can lead to a harsh smoke, nor too moist, which can cause mold growth and spoilage .
  3. Fumigation: The storage facility must be fumigated to protect the tobacco from pests. However, continuous fumigation can lead to high costs and environmental hazards. Therefore, alternative methods such as modified atmospheric conditions in special high-barrier liners can be used to maintain product quality and prevent re-infestation .
  4. Temperature and Humidity Control: The storage environment should be controlled to prevent the growth of insects that thrive in warm and humid conditions. These pests can feed on dried tobacco and contaminate the commodity .
  5. Treatment Room: The tobacco can be placed in a treatment room to kill insects and control for (re)infestation and discoloration. This method can prevent mass loss of the tobacco, which can occur during storage .
  6. Storage Device: For certain types of tobacco like stems, a storage device is used after the tobacco is steamed to a moisture content of 45% .

Flavored cut rag tobacco vs unflavored cut rag tobacco

The choice between flavored and unflavored cut rag tobacco depends on the preferences of the smoker and the intended use of the tobacco. Flavored cut rag tobacco has additives that enhance the taste and aroma of the tobacco, providing a variety of sensory experiences. These flavors can range from traditional options like menthol and vanilla to more exotic choices such as fruit or chocolate flavors . The addition of flavors can mask the harshness of tobacco and make it more appealing to certain users.

Unflavored cut rag tobacco, on the other hand, does not contain these additional flavorings and offers a more natural tobacco taste. This type of tobacco is preferred by smokers who appreciate the pure flavor of the tobacco without any enhancements . Unflavored tobacco is often chosen for its authentic flavor profile, which can be influenced by the type of tobacco leaf, the growing conditions, and the processing methods used .

In terms of production, both flavored and unflavored cut rag tobaccos undergo similar processes, including curing, cutting, and sometimes casing. Casing refers to the application of a solution that may contain sweeteners and other ingredients to the tobacco before cutting . However, flavored tobaccos receive additional treatment with specific flavoring agents to achieve the desired taste and aroma .

The decision to use flavored or unflavored cut rag tobacco can also be influenced by regulatory considerations. Some regions have restrictions or bans on flavored tobacco products due to concerns about their appeal to younger or non-traditional smokers . Manufacturers must navigate these regulations when deciding which products to offer in different markets.

Organic cut rag tobacco vs non-organic cut rag tobacco

The distinction between organic and non-organic cut rag tobacco lies in the agricultural practices used to grow the tobacco plants and the processing methods applied to produce the final product.

Organic Cut Rag Tobacco:

  • Cultivation: Grown without synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. Organic tobacco farming relies on natural substances and physical, mechanical, or biologically based farming methods to the fullest extent possible.
  • Certification: To be labeled as organic, tobacco must meet strict standards set by certification bodies, which include the avoidance of most synthetic chemicals and adherence to organic farming practices.
  • Processing: The processing of organic tobacco for cut rag must also avoid the use of certain additives that are not approved for use in organic products.
  • Market: Organic tobacco products often cater to a niche market that values natural and environmentally friendly products.
  • Price: Typically, organic tobacco is more expensive due to the higher costs of organic farming practices and the certification process.

Non-Organic Cut Rag Tobacco:

  • Cultivation: Grown using conventional farming methods, which may include the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to enhance plant growth and protect from pests and diseases.
  • Regulations: Subject to government regulations regarding the use of agricultural chemicals, but not the stringent standards of organic certification.
  • Processing: May include a wider range of additives and flavorings that are not permitted in organic tobacco production.
  • Market: Non-organic tobacco is more widely available and is the standard product found in most tobacco markets.
  • Price: Generally less expensive than organic tobacco due to lower production costs and economies of scale.

Best cut rag tobacco flavor profiles

The flavor profiles of cut rag tobacco can vary significantly depending on the type of tobacco used, the blend, and any added flavorings. Here are some general flavor profiles associated with different types of cut rag tobacco:

  1. Virginia Cut Rag Tobacco: Virginia tobacco, also known as flue-cured tobacco, is known for its sweet and mild flavor. It is often used as the base in many tobacco blends due to its high sugar content and bright, sweet flavors .
  2. Burley Cut Rag Tobacco: Burley tobacco has a robust and full-bodied flavor. It is air-cured, which gives it a stronger, more robust flavor than Virginia tobacco. Burley tobacco is often used in blends to add depth and complexity .
  3. Oriental Cut Rag Tobacco: Oriental tobacco, also known as Turkish tobacco, has a unique, exotic flavor. It is sun-cured, which gives it a sweet, fragrant, and somewhat spicy flavor. Oriental tobacco is often used in blends to add a touch of exotic flavor .
  4. American Blend: An American blend typically includes a mix of Virginia, Burley, and Oriental tobaccos. This blend is known for its balanced, medium-bodied flavor that combines the sweetness of Virginia tobacco, the robustness of Burley tobacco, and the exotic flavor of Oriental tobacco .
  5. English/Virginia Blends: These blends primarily consist of Virginia tobacco, often with the addition of other types of tobacco for complexity. English/Virginia blends are known for their bright, sweet, and slightly fruity flavor profile .
  6. Flavored Blends: Some cut rag tobacco blends may include added flavorings to create specific taste profiles. These can range from traditional flavors like menthol and vanilla to more exotic flavors like cherry, apple, or chocolate .

Best cut rag tobacco drying techniques

The drying techniques for cut rag tobacco are essential to the quality and characteristics of the final product. Here are some of the best practices and methods used in the drying process:

  1. Air-Curing: This natural drying process involves hanging harvested tobacco leaves in an air-curing barn. The barn can be ventilated or closed completely depending on weather conditions. This method is typically used for Burley tobacco and results in a brown-colored leaf .
  2. Sun-Curing: In this method, tobacco leaves are exposed to full sunlight, which dries the leaves completely. It is used for all Oriental tobaccos and certain types of Virginia tobaccos .
  3. Flue-Curing: This process is standardized, especially for Flue-Cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco. It involves controlling the temperature and humidity in a curing barn to achieve the desired leaf color and chemical properties. The leaves are turned frequently to ensure even drying .
  4. Bulk Curing: After the midribs are dry, the cured leaves are bulked on a raised platform with an air gap underneath. The bulks are covered with a material like tarpaulin or paper, but not alkathene if the moisture is on the higher side. The bulks are turned frequently to maintain the desired moisture condition .
  5. Re-Drying: This stage in tobacco processing aims to obtain a uniform moisture content specified by the customer. It involves removing moisture from the tobacco leaves by applying heat and then cooling them down to the desired moisture level .
  6. Fire-Curing: This method involves applying smoke from smoldering sawdust or hardwood materials to the tobacco. The process can take several weeks and results in a leaf with a clear, solid brown face and dried stems. The heat during the drying phase should not exceed 130.F .
  7. Controlled Environment: Maintaining a controlled temperature and humidity in the storage environment is crucial to prevent the growth of insects and mold. This also helps in keeping the tobacco in the right condition for processing .
  8. Field Wilt: Cutting tobacco late in the afternoon and allowing it to lie overnight before spiking can help in wilting the tobacco with little chance of sunburn. However, this method requires careful monitoring to prevent heating and scalding .


Cut rag tobacco remains a cornerstone of the tobacco industry. Its rich history, diverse types, and intricate production process highlight its enduring significance. As we look to the future, it’s clear that cut rag tobacco will continue to evolve, adapting to new trends and regulations while maintaining its place in the world of tobacco.


The tobacco crop supports up to 160,000 households annually and accounts for more than 50 percent of agricultural exports . In Zimbabwe, one of the major producers of leaf tobacco, net foreign currency inflows from tobacco stood at $45.7 million in 2020 .


  1. What is cut rag tobacco?
    Cut rag tobacco is tobacco that has been cut into fine strips for use in cigarettes .
  2. Who uses cut rag tobacco?
    Cut rag tobacco is used by cigarette manufacturers and individuals who roll their own cigarettes or use pipe tobacco .
  3. Where is cut rag tobacco produced?
    Cut rag tobacco is produced in various countries, including the United States, Italy, India, and Moldova .
  4. Why is cut rag tobacco important in the tobacco industry?
    Cut rag tobacco is important because it is a key component in the manufacture of cigarettes and other tobacco products .
  5. How is cut rag tobacco made?
    Cut rag tobacco is made by selecting appropriate quality tobaccos, which are then processed according to customer specifications .
  6. Is cut rag tobacco used in all cigarettes?
    While not all cigarettes use cut rag tobacco, it is a common component in many types of cigarettes .
  7. Can cut rag tobacco be used in pipe tobacco?
    Yes, cut rag tobacco can be used in pipe tobacco .
  8. Does cut rag tobacco come in different blends?
    Yes, cut rag tobacco comes in various blends, including American Blend, English Blend, and others .
  9. Will the use of cut rag tobacco continue to grow?
    While specific growth trends can vary, the use of cut rag tobacco is likely to continue given its importance in the manufacture of cigarettes and other tobacco products .
  10. What is the market size for cut rag tobacco?
    Exact market size figures are not readily available, but the tobacco crop supports up to 160,000 households annually and accounts for more than 50 percent of agricultural exports .
  11. Who are the major producers of cut rag tobacco?
    Major producers of cut rag tobacco include various companies located in the United States, Italy, India, and Moldova .
  12. Where can I buy cut rag tobacco?
    Cut rag tobacco can be purchased from various suppliers, many of whom operate internationally .
  13. Why do some smokers prefer cut rag tobacco?
    Some smokers prefer cut rag tobacco because it allows them to roll their own cigarettes or use pipe tobacco, providing a more personalized smoking experience .
  14. How does the quality of cut rag tobacco affect the final product?
    The quality of cut rag tobacco can significantly affect the taste, nicotine content, and overall quality of the final product .
  15. Is cut rag tobacco available in different cut widths?
    Yes, cut rag tobacco is available in multiple cut widths .

Sources of information:

  1. B2B Tobacco Supplier
  2. The Man Behind the Plan
  3. FAQ – Cut Rag
  4. Glossary of Tobacco Terms
  5. Tobacco cut rag from India &kachha Tobacco Bales
  6. Smoking Gun: Strategic Containment Of Contraband Tobacco And …
  7. CUT RAG TOBACCO BUYING GUIDE – Global Provider of the Finest Tobacco
  8. Tobacco
  9. CRP to Build $80 million Plant in Harare
  10. The illicit tobacco trade in Zimbabwe and South Africa
  11. Cut-Rag –
  12. C&D Haunted Bookshop :: Pipe Tobacco Reviews
  13. Cut Rag & Cigarette Blends | U.S. Tobacco Cooperative
  14. Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks


  1. B2B Tobacco Supplier
  2. The Man Behind the Plan
  3. FAQ – Cut Rag
  4. Glossary of Tobacco Terms
  5. Tobacco cut rag from India &kachha Tobacco Bales
  6. Smoking Gun: Strategic Containment Of Contraband Tobacco And …
  7. CUT RAG TOBACCO BUYING GUIDE – Global Provider of the Finest Tobacco
  8. Tobacco
  9. CRP to Build $80 million Plant in Harare
  10. The illicit tobacco trade in Zimbabwe and South Africa
  11. Cut-Rag –
  12. C&D Haunted Bookshop :: Pipe Tobacco Reviews
  13. Cut Rag & Cigarette Blends | U.S. Tobacco Cooperative
  14. Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks